: Harmless Untruths (weblog)


February 22nd, 2007

From today’s Washington Post:

Chimps Seen Making Weapons
Clearly our nonproliferation strategy has failed. I trust the UN won’t hesitate to impose sanctions on the chimps, before they share their pointy-stick technology with other rogue species.

You’re all familiar with email spam. Some of you may also be familiar with “comment spam”, in which thousands of fake comments are posted to your blog. Sifting through my comment spam, I found this:

spam impersonating Carrie Brownstein

I am guessing that the spammers are smart enough to somehow figure out human names off of my pages, or else maybe it’s just a coincidence. Or maybe Carrie Brownstein really is reading my website and really wants me to buy an iPod? I don’t know what else she is up to these days.

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One Response to “screenshots”

  1. Flores Says:

    As long as no one heard the opening to Strauss’ “Also Sprach Zarathustra” I’d say the chimps are nothing to worry about.

The design of this site is original but is based on the the work of various amazing artists of the past, especially that of Alphonse Mucha. I’ve also incorporated some of the work of Grandville, Edmund J. Sullivan, and Henry van de Velde. The fonts used for headings are Berlin Regular and Airplane (Maniackers Design).

I aim for valid Valid XHTML and CSS. Handcoding rocks; a thousand curses upon antiseptic web design. This site is glued together with WordPress. Complete sentences, proper punctuation, and good typography are also off the hook. And oh yeah, use Firefox.

Feeds are available for XML (entire website) or XML Harmonies (this section).

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